Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Darksiders: Champion Artifact Locations

Here is a list of CHAMPION ARTIFACTS NOT in any particular order.

General Notes:

-ARTIFACTS can be traded in at Vulgrim's for souls.

-If you trade all 6 CHAMPION ARTIFACTS Vulgrim will reward you with a LIFESTONE SHARD.

-The legendary enhancement FURY'S EMBRACE will show all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in the game which will make finding all collectibles much easier to locate.

-Each dungeon has a HOARDSEEKER that will allow you to see all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in that particular venue.


#1-Twilight Cathedral- Enter the most north-western room in the dungeon and look up towards the ceiling. Take the blue lift to reach it, it is in plain sight.

#2-Hollows- Just after the circular room where you caused a hanging rock to fall and water rushed to the floor below allowing you to access a key. Head back to the previous room, In there you should see the water levels have changed in the various gaps in the floor. Jump in and swim into one of the drainage pipes and look up.

#3-Drowned Pass-In the room with the giant fan you ride to access the other side. Keep riding the fan blade until you pass the switch room and look down, there should be an alcove beyond your reach. Equip your hookshot and jump/glide towards it you should be prompted to activate your hookshot, do so and follow the path and viola!

#4-Choking Grounds -In the sewer section with the two blue lifts, break the blue crystal.

#5-Dark Tower-On your way back from the 3rd and final golem battle there is a spire that comes down with telepads on its side but there is also a telepad on the top. Activate that by ascending to a higher vantage point with a charged voidwalker shot. Find another pad and you should be shot up to where the artifact is.

#6- Iron Canopy- Western alley, keep an eye up and you should see a hookshot point available just over the edge of the structure.

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