Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mass Effect 2: Less Than A Week Away!

Are you excited/psyched/pumped/stoked/etc?

I'm atleast one of the above if not all! Thusly, I will be posting various news clips and thoughts until the game debuts next week and then tips as I play through BIOWARE'S latest space adventure.


The achievements for Mass effect 2 have been out for awhile.


Only three specialist achievements! In ME1 those were the most frustrating, use a specific power/weapon 75-150 times and they were a good portion of the total amount of achievements for the game! Same went for the "ally" achievements where you had to use a certain crew member for the majority of the game. I mean it certainly garnered some replayability but they were not exactly achievements you loved to get as they tested your patience more than your skill.

I like seeing the "recruit (enter crew member)" achievements followed by the "gained loyalty of (enter crew member)" achievements, Reminds me of the story depth ME2 will exhibit and no doubt the magnitude of the allied character specifc quests that ME1 lacked.

More diverse achievements this time around! Can't wait to get them all!

Keep tuned I'm going nuts on this GAME!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Darksiders: Final Hints and Tips for Achievements/Trophies

This will be my last post on Darksiders, I thought it would be a great idea to showcase the 4 achievements/trophies I missed initially or thought were the toughest to acquire.

Most of the awards are readily given via a simple playthrough but some require a keen eye or a bit of patience.

*Note: Awards= achievements/trophies*

-AERIAL PREDATOR: Kill 160 enemies with on an angelic beast.

When you get to the BROKEN STAIR and you progress until you get to a door that needs a key, SAVE the game! You need to use the right trigger/R2 to "paint" enemies with your aiming recticle and go APE SHIT. Kill everything you can and take specific notice of little green/red creatures. If you don't get it the first time LOAD that previous SAVE I made you do and try again. KEEP the faith as it took me four times to get the 160 kills and don't feel bad if it takes you more than that.

You can make the time go way faster by yelling "SUCK MY ANGEL BALLS!" throughout the whole shooting segment.

Note to reader: "ANGEL BALLS" is in reference to the projectiles you shoot during the segment NOT Wrath's genitilia. Whether Wrath's balls are angelic or demonic in nature is pure speculation and no doubt will be answered in the sequel.


-DARK RIDER: Ride for 100 miles.

You need to ride your horsey for a long time, 100 miles to be exact! The easy way to do this is to take Wrath to the ASHLANDS desert section and hop on your FLAME HORSE and ride in circles. I know what your thinking "This is taking forever, god I hate my life!"

To which I will say "Put those razor blades down! I have a better way to get this horribly conceived achievement/trophy".

I placed my controller under a table leg (light table) so that controller stick was stuck to the bottom left (or bottom right) position. This allows you to gallop in circles in the game world meanwhile you can watch TV, Talk to "others" ... eat, or whatever. How long does it take? Well in one minute I could do roughly 0.7 miles so.... you can do the math. You can check your progress by going to the map screen and checking out all your stats which includes the miles you have travelled.

Note to Xbox owners: If you are using my method above be sure to check the the controller every 10 minutes or so as they have a habit of shutting down if they are in a static position for too long.

-BATTLE HARDENED: Max out all weapons and unlock all combat moves

This one can be time consuming if you don't keep it in "mind". What does that mean? Well if you just use your sword all game you will have that much more experience to gain for the the other two weapons.

"So what?" You say.

At the end of the game there are limited amount of enemies to level up on so any levels you lack you will have to grind that much more.

Solution: Try to balance your use of all three primary weapons throughout the your playthrough.

Simply buy the combat moves as you can as they will also help with the combat segments of the game not just with your award hunting.

-OPEN AIR PARKING- Take out a helicopter during the apocalyse.

This one is easy to get and easier to miss. During the apocalypse progress until you can see a stone golem going nuts on a building -PICK UP A CAR. Walk towards the golem and a helicopter should fly above it, aim and throw.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Darksiders: Abyssal Armor Locations

I was going to post the locations for all 10 Abyssal armor locations but I came across this youtube video that would probably help just as much if not BETTER!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Darksiders: Lifestone Shard Locations

Here is a list of LIFESTONE SHARDS in the order I got them during my play-through.


Give Vulgrim all 20 SOLDIER ARTIFACTS and he will give you a LIFESTONE SHARD
Give Vulgrim all 20 CHAMPION ARTIFACTS and he will give you a LIFESTONE SHARD

FURY'S EMBRACE legendary enhancement will reveal all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in the Darksiders world and will make treasure hunting much easier.

Hoadseeker can be found in the various dungeons of Darksiders and will reveal all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in that particular venue.


#1- Choking Grounds- Destroy all tombstones in the central area and a chest will reveal itself in the South-Western part of the map.

#2- Broken Stair- Follow the underwater area that branches off from Vulgrim's Lair.
#3-Broken Stair- Just after you get on the broken highway look to the left and you will see a chest mixed up in a bunch of cars (plain sight).

#4- Twilight Cathedral- Room where the hanging demon is guarding a sword, throw a bomb to an alcove with red crystal (across the room)- tricky throw but it can be done.

#5- Drowned Pass- Swim west in the lake and activate the submerged block so it rises out of the water. Then swim south keeping west and take the path that will lead to the elevated block, use the block to access the chest.

#6- Hollows- Behind two subway cars in the room with three broken gas pipes.

#7- Ashlands- Right when you enter the area turn around and break the blue crystal to reveal the chest.
#8- Ashlands- Room with the many hanging demons, move to the eastern part of area via blue lift (Plain Sight).

#9- Dark Tower- After the weight/lift puzzle room, continue and keep your eyes up you should see a telepad that you can use to access the chest.

#10- Serpent Hole to Twilight Cathedral- Equip your SHADOWMASK and some red lifts should be revealed to you. Follow the SHADOW path and you should come to the chest.

#11- Drowned pass- Go to Vulgrim's store and then look out over the lake and you should see a HOOKSHOT POINT allowing access to the chest.

#12- Crossroads- In the Library, to the North-West there is some water you can jump/swim in. Follow the path and you will come to the chest. *You can do this at the beginning of the game but I totally missed it*

#13- Choking Grounds- The building to the very north, use your CROSSBLADE to set of the bomb off on the red crystal and take the demon growth up. Break the blue crystal on this floor to reveal the chest.

#14- The Dry Road- In the area near Vulgrim's shop look behind some rubble. *Easy to miss*

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Darksiders: Wrath Shard Locations

Here is a list of the WRATH SHARD locations based on the order I found them during my play- through.

-You can buy a WRATH CORE at Vulgrim's for 10 000 souls.
-You can recieve a WRATH CORE for trading in the OVERLORD ARTIFACT to Vulgrim.
-You can buy a WRATH SHARD at Vulgrim's for 2500 souls I did this at #13 but you can do this at anytime.
-Legendary Enhancement FURY'S EMBRACE will reveal all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in the Darksider world which will make treasure hunting much easier.
-Hoardseekers will reveal all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS within the dungeon you acquired it.


#1- Scalding Gallows- Above Vulgrim's Lair- Climb the demonic growth.

#2- Choking Grounds- In the North-Eastern building just before you leave the Grounds- Take the underground entrance and use the blue lift to access the floor above, the chest is right there.

#3-Twilight Cathedral-After placing the second sword of three in a central underground room- You will fight three warriors and get a key in that room. Look around and the chest should be visible.
#4-Twilight Cathedral- After placing the third sword of three in the central underground room. You will rise to a familiar location on the main level of the dungeon. Jump on the block you moved previously in the level and use your CROSSBLADE to distract the hanging demon to access the door. The chest is a level under you (fyi: right underneath the Abyssal armor chest).

#5-Anvil's Ford-Near the end of ULTHANE/WAR ANGEL-KILLING GAME- Before your paths meet up again, there is some demon growth streching alonside a buiding on your branch of the level. Follow it you should be led to a WRATH SHARD CHEST.

#6-Hollows- Right beside a switch that turns an underwater fan off- PLAIN SIGHT!
#7-Hollows- In the canyon-like room before the boss battle- Here you have to gradually increase the water level by breaking the blue crystals in the broken pipes with your new weapon. After increasing the water a SECOND time look behind you.

#8-Iron Canopy- After the first bridge breaks behind you the shard is hidden behind some fencing against the building on the left. You can break this fencing with any attack to reveal the chest.
#9-Iron Canopy-The room with the hanging demon and the giant spider following you from underneath. Here you need to get the hanging spider to take the block and then hit it with your CROSSBLADE so when the block drops it dislodges the spider underneath allowing to progress to the next area. BUT BEFORE YOU DO THIS get the hanging demon to take the block but make sure you grab and hang off the block, when the demon takes the block up you will be taken with it. You should see the WRATH SHARD CHEST on a ledge that you can jump/glide to.

#10-Ashlands-North-Eastern section of the central desert section (four towers)- there is a cave with blue crystal blocking the way break it to reveal the chest.

#11-Dark Tower-The room were the magic-path-blocks are spiraling around the room and you have to keep up with them to access a telepad on a pillar in the middle of the room. Look up and to the west you should see a alcove with a telepad, make a portal via VOIDWALKER to that alcove and the chest should be waiting for you.

#12-Eden- Just before you get to the tree jump down under the bridge walkway.

#13-Bought at Vulgrim's store for 2500 souls- you can do this at ANYTIME.

#14- Serpent hole to Anvil's Ford- Walk the path and keep and eye out UP/LEFT and you should see some HOOKSHOT points that lead to a chest.

#15-Anvil's Ford-Go forward and break the blue crystal , follow the path and look left in the alcove.

#16-Drowned Pass-Jump in the lake and access the North-Eastern cave follow the path and break the blue crystal.

#17-Drowned Path-Just outside the GIANT FAN there is an alcove that has a telepad. Shoot it with the VOIDWALKER to start one end of your portal. Now to find another telepad! In the fan room there is a crevass you can jump and HOOKSHOT to just BESIDE and BELOW the switch room. Get access to this area and it will take you to a blue lift, take it up. Now LOOK UP there is the other telepad, shoot it with your VOIDWALKER to complete your portal and use the blue lift jump through portal to the chest on the other side.

#18-Crossroads- In the Library use the HOOKSHOT on the elevated level to access this chest.

#19- Serpent Hole to the Dry Roads- When you enter the Hole look behind you (plain sight).

****#20-The Ashlands- LISTEN UP! THIS SHARD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE CRYING ON THE INTERNET. Go to where there are THREE hanging demons over(hanging) a rope. If you have the FURY'S EMBRACE enhancement open up the map you should see no chest aside from a soul one if you didnt get it previously. Now on the map you will notice that there are actually TWO LEVELS to this section, if you don't have the enhancment you should see an area you can access if you do have the enhancement there will be a chest symbol. Now how do we access it? First make your way to the northern elevated part of the area via demon growth (this is the OPPOSITE end that allows you access the Ashlands desert section). LOOK UP! there is a HOOKSHOT point that is ready to be used so do that and you should be at a WRATH SHARD CHEST!***

#21- Anvil's Point- Far western part of the map- use the HOOKSHOT to access this chest.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Darksiders: Champion Artifact Locations

Here is a list of CHAMPION ARTIFACTS NOT in any particular order.

General Notes:

-ARTIFACTS can be traded in at Vulgrim's for souls.

-If you trade all 6 CHAMPION ARTIFACTS Vulgrim will reward you with a LIFESTONE SHARD.

-The legendary enhancement FURY'S EMBRACE will show all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in the game which will make finding all collectibles much easier to locate.

-Each dungeon has a HOARDSEEKER that will allow you to see all CHESTS and ARTIFACTS in that particular venue.


#1-Twilight Cathedral- Enter the most north-western room in the dungeon and look up towards the ceiling. Take the blue lift to reach it, it is in plain sight.

#2-Hollows- Just after the circular room where you caused a hanging rock to fall and water rushed to the floor below allowing you to access a key. Head back to the previous room, In there you should see the water levels have changed in the various gaps in the floor. Jump in and swim into one of the drainage pipes and look up.

#3-Drowned Pass-In the room with the giant fan you ride to access the other side. Keep riding the fan blade until you pass the switch room and look down, there should be an alcove beyond your reach. Equip your hookshot and jump/glide towards it you should be prompted to activate your hookshot, do so and follow the path and viola!

#4-Choking Grounds -In the sewer section with the two blue lifts, break the blue crystal.

#5-Dark Tower-On your way back from the 3rd and final golem battle there is a spire that comes down with telepads on its side but there is also a telepad on the top. Activate that by ascending to a higher vantage point with a charged voidwalker shot. Find another pad and you should be shot up to where the artifact is.

#6- Iron Canopy- Western alley, keep an eye up and you should see a hookshot point available just over the edge of the structure.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Darksiders:Soldier Artifact Locations

Here is a list of all 20 SOLDIER ARTIFACTS in the order I got them playing through the game

General Notes:
-ARTIFACTS can be traded in a Vulgrim's for souls.

-If you give Vulgrim all 20 SOLDIER ARTIFACTS he will reward you with a LIFESTONE SHARD.

-The legendary enhancement FURY'S EMBRACE will show all CHEST and ARTIFACTS in the game which will make finding all collectibles easier to locate, despite my AWESOME DIRECTIONS!!

-Hoardseekers can be found in each dungeon as well, they will help you find CHEST and ARTIFACTS in that particular venue.


#1- Cross roads- Subway Station -Underwater.

#2-Choking Grounds- Underground.
#3-Choking Grounds- to the south there are three sarcofguses you can move the middle one from the north side, drag it and it reveals an underground area.

#4-Broken Stair- When you come out to see all the broken freeways and a structure on your right. Go to the edge in front of you and look down and left.

#5- Twilight Cathedral- Right when you make the first hole in this dungeon follow the path and look up - its in plain sight.
#6-Twilight Cathedral- Multi-level lava puzzle

#7-Drowned Pass- Swim inside the northern building in the lake.
#8-Drowned Pass- In the lake to the North-West swim under the waterfall.

#9-Hollows-The room with two train switches.
#10- Hollows- The room where you are punching the engine from lift to lift, on the third lift look around (it should be behind you).

#11- Scalding Gallows- After using chronomancy to open the giant-ass door move along the path until you have to climb up and jump to a broken pipe to proceed. Once you jump on the pipe look behind you.

#12- Dry Road - South-Eastern end of the central section

#13- Ashlands- After stopping the middle drill jump down the hole and swim to the bottom.

#14-Ashlands- After Killing the first worm and playing through the first shooting segement, jump in the water and swim half way down (plain sight).

#15- Iron Canopy- South West Alley, go up the fire escape stairs and glide to the edge of the structure (plain sight).
#16- Iron Canopy- After killing the Spider boss (Silithia) take the spire back up but get off half way and you should see it .

#17-Ashlands (after killing the worms)- main desert section- take the blue lift in the north-east, follow the path and on the left you should find some demon growth to climb and find the artifact.

#18- Dark Tower- after the Azrael's Confession, and you power up the second head enter the newly available door. You must use the voidwalker to create a portal on the ceiling and then glide to the ledge above, can be a little tricky.

#19- Dark Tower- In the third and final tower- look in the water you have to drain under the telepad.

#20- Cross roads- In the library glide to the far side of the room, Plain sight.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Darksiders: where to find the FURY'S EMBRACE legendary enhancement

Had some problems trying to find this one, here is my step-by-step on how to acquire it.

In the Dark Tower go to the centre chamber where our good friend Azrael likes to hang out. (btw you can access the Dark Tower even after you beat Straga- TAKE THE PORTAL AT SAMAEL'S PRISON)

Take a right and go in to the first door here, manipulate the walls via crossblade to get access to the end of the room and enter the door.

NEXT, use your hookshot to get across to the tower ahead and enter.

In this room there a lot of portals but we want the one at the far end and above. Use your porno gun ... I mean portal gun and get up there! (btw porno gun = patent pending, no joke :>)

Follow the path until you reach a switch that causes a portal pad to move when you stand on it. Shoot that pad with your portal gun and stand on the switch. Find another pad to shoot so that you have access to the area where that moving pad went.

Here you are in a bottomless room (even though you were just below it, weird). The room also has a switch that makes those magic bricks come along to access the other end of the room. Before you step on that switch just mentioned look up and to the left there is a ledge with A PORTAL PAD in it, shoot it with your "the gun of portal-ness" and move on up there.

Step on the switch in front of you and let those magical bricks lead you to a very special chest! FURY'S EMBRACE will help you find all those pesky chests littered about the Darksider landscape!! It does some other stuff too but who cares.

Good luck treasure hunting!